Stimulate the engagement of your visitors Creation of audio tours, Quiz creation Creation of augmented reality experience (tailor-made), Creation of temporary visits Creation of immersive sound tours, Creation of mixed tours (quiz + audio) Segment your visitors to improve engagement In the street, by car, at the museum, your visitors can access the content (GPS, list, cartel) Capture and measure the attention of your visitors
Broadcast tours Send an SMS to a visitor that will contain a link to a visit experience Send a message on WhatsApp that will contain a link to a visit experience (in test) At the access counter to your location: give your visitors an access code Send a link to your visitors using your online reservation system From a search on a search engine From a url on a paper document From your website From
Monetize your visits Offer free or paid tours Increase your income Payment for your content for your visitors Transferts des gains entre professionnels Facilitate collaboration with professionals in your area